As a member of author Heather B. Moore's critique group I have had the
opportunity to read this book in the many stages of draft, and every
time the book has gotten better. Now in its publication draft, I can
only say WOW! Despite being familiar with the characters and plot from
my previous readings, this version totally pulled me into the story and I
soon found myself so engaged that I couldn't put it down. I wanted to
be right on the stormy cliffs, thrilled yet terrified of entering the
lighthouse, and anxious to discover not only how the paranormal mystery
played out, but also about the decisions Eliza Robinson would have to
make concerning romance and Jonathan Porter. The story is so compelling,
I'm currently reading it for a second time, engaged by the nuances and
foreshadowing I didn't catch on previous readings. If you love a good
ghost story, or are in the mood for a romance, Heart of the Ocean is the
book for you.